Chiara Ferragni costretta a riposo assoluto: Leone non cresce bene!

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Chiara Ferragni costretta al riposo in quanto il piccolo Leone non sta crescendo bene.

Pare che la placenta non stia funzionando bene e ha scritto questo post per spiegare a tutti i suoi follower cosa stesse succedendo:

“These past two days have been a blur. On Wednesday morning we had our routine ultrasound and our gynecologist found out Leo’s tummy is not growing as much as It should, maybe because of the placenta getting old and not working correctly. I was put on bedrest, I really have to take it easy (had to cancel all my remaining jobs here) and I have now to take visits twice a week to make sure Leoncino is doing ok. We had the first one today and the results are so much better, he’s resting and growing strong Thank you for being there for me, and I apologize in advance If my feed is not gonna be as exciting as usual I’d love to hear your birth stories If you wanna share  #LeoncinoMio”

Gli ultimi giorni sono stati un po’ caotici. In una ecografia il nostro ginecologo ha trovato che Leo non stesse crescendo tanto quanto dovrebbe, forse perché la placenta non sta funzionando al meglio. Sono stata messa a riposo”.

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